Peter founded Argo Translation, originally based in Milwaukee, WI, in 1995. Prior to transferring his love of all things international and his savvy business expertise into Chicago's premier translation agency, he attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where he graduated with a major in finance and human resource management. After graduation, he went on to become an Italian translator and project manager for an international medical equipment manufacturer and major airline. Peter grew up in a home steeped in Italian tradition, a language which he spoke and in which eventually became fluent. In his non-translation life, and when he’s not busy overseeing company operations, Peter travels, goes for an energetic neighborhood run, and enjoys hanging out with his wife and son. He has also coached the local Little League, baseball teams. Sarah Hickey, VP of Research, Nimdzi Insights VP of Research at Nimdzi Insights by day, podcaster at The Troublesome Terps by night, conference interpreter DE - EN by trade Inge Boonen, VP of Consulting, Nimdzi Insights Is dedicated to providing localization, globalization and multicultural insights to enterprise companies and language service providers.
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This show is made possible thanks to a collaboration between MulitLingual Media and Nimdzi Insights.
Oscar Betancourt - Video Director and Producer
Evelyn Najarian - Communications & Marketing, MultiLingual
Isabel Romero-Ruiz - Communications & Marketing, Nimdzi Insights N
ika Allahverdi - Product
Antonella Tiezzi - Design
00:00 Peter Argondizzo 00:54 What does your company do? 01:45 What was your dream career as a child? 02:54 How do you like to spend your free time? 03:26 3 destinations you'd like to visit 04:38 Where is your family from? 05:45 What is the best advice you've ever been given? 06:56 First breakthrough moment 10:40 Biggest challenge 13:45 Pet peeve when it comes to clients 16:21 Advice for entrepreneurs
Chris is the global managing director at Mother Tongue. Part of the Omnicom Group of marketing services companies, Mother Tongue provides transcreation, translation, insight...
Louise Callcott-Stevens is co-founder and CEO of EarCandy, the world’s leading media and entertainment localization Provider for Africa. An African mother-tongue advocate, Louise was...
As Managing Director of Avantpage Life Sciences, Vera Hooijdonk is adept at juggling projects, time, and people. Vera manages all aspects of the translation...