Ever since my father’s career in the US Air Force moved me and my family to Italy I’ve been fascinated with language, culture, travel, and adventure. Today, I’m fortunate to lead Keylingo - a Language Services Provider (LSP) based in Atlanta, GA that I founded in my basement in 2004. Our people and our work touch every continent, except Antarctica. In summary, the services we provide - translation, localization, and interpretation to name a few - enable companies to grow and succeed in the global marketplace. We’ve developed expertise in manufacturing, e-learning, software, websites, intellectual property, marketing, healthcare, education, media, and government.
Sarah Hickey, VP of Research, Nimdzi Insights VP of Research at Nimdzi Insights by day, podcaster at The Troublesome Terps by night, conference interpreter DE - EN by trade Inge Boonen, VP of Consulting, Nimdzi Insights Is dedicated to providing localization, globalization, and multicultural insights to enterprise companies and language service providers.
Head to https://www.nimdzi.com/ for cutting-edge market research and consulting in the language industry. Visit https://multilingual.com to catch up with the latest news of the language industry.
This show is made possible thanks to a collaboration between MulitLingual Media and Nimdzi Insights. Oscar Betancourt - Video Director and Producer Evelyn Najarian - Communications & Marketing, MultiLingual Isabel Romero-Ruiz - Communications & Marketing, Nimdzi Insights Nika Allahverdi - Product Antonella Tiezzi - Design
00:00 Frederick Marx00:41 What does your company do?01:00 What was your dream career as a child?01:44 How do you like to spend your free time?02:42 3 destinations you'd like to visit03:48 What is the best advice you've ever been given?04:43 What inspired you to start your company?05:29 What made you choose your vertical market?06:29 First breakthrough moment07:33 What makes you a great leader?08:26 Your biggest failure09:04 3 things that you spend the most time on09:59 Are you a visionary?10:54 Pet peeve when it comes to clients12:07 Advice for entrepreneurs
Vera Richards has spent over 20 years in various positions within the language industry. With a passion for removing language and cultural barriers and...
Avi Staiman is the founder and CEO of Academic Language Experts, a company dedicated to assisting academic scholars to prepare their research for publication...
Astrid van Rossum is an authentic and empowering executive, with 12 years of experience in the interpreting business. Prior to joining Global Talk, Astrid...