Be Part of the Supply Chain with Eric Bauwelinck | Owner & Founder of Mastervoice |C-SuiteHotSeatE51

Episode 51 June 14, 2023 00:19:39
Be Part of the Supply Chain with Eric Bauwelinck | Owner & Founder of Mastervoice |C-SuiteHotSeatE51
C-Suite HotSeat
Be Part of the Supply Chain with Eric Bauwelinck | Owner & Founder of Mastervoice |C-SuiteHotSeatE51

Jun 14 2023 | 00:19:39


Show Notes

Eric is the Owner, Founder & CEO of Mastervoice and a member of the Industrial Advisory Committee KU Leuven, a recognized EC expert in simultaneous translation and UN-accredited provider of simultaneous interpreting. He aims to unlock global business potential with online interpreting for international organizations and speakers. He's the author of the book 'Voices from Above' on the transformation from onsite to online interpreting; he strongly believes in human language technology to globalize business.

He is interested in languages, language technology, philosophy, and spirituality.

"I believe language is a unique gift that can change and influence thoughts, lives, and businesses."

Inge Boonen, VP of Consulting, Nimdzi Insights
Is dedicated to providing localization, globalization and multicultural insights to enterprise companies and language service providers.

Gabriel Karandyšovský, Chief Operations Officer, Nimdzi Insights
Gabriel specializes in localization, creative writing, business development & project management. He helps clients along the way to international market expansion one research or data-supported step at a time.

Head to for cutting edge market research and consulting in the language industry.

Visit to catch up with the latest news of the language industry.

This show is made possible thanks to a collaboration between MulitLingual Media and Nimdzi Insights.
Oscar Betancourt - Video Director and Producer
Isabel Romero-Ruiz - Communications & Marketing, Nimdzi Insights
Antonella Tiezzi - Design

00:00 Eric Bauwelinck | Owner & Founder of Mastervoice
00:44 What does your company do?
01:21 What was your dream career as a child?
02:10 How do you like to spend your free time?
03:47 3 destinations you'd like to visit
04:35 Best advice you've ever been given?
06:28 What inspired you to start your company?
08:10 Biggest challenge
09:37 Your biggest success
11:23 Valuable business lesson
12:31 The secret sauce!
14:08 How do you motivate your team?
15:04 Pet peeve when it comes to clients
16:24 Have you ever fired a friend or relative?
17:47 Advice for entrepreneurs

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